Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Minister and The Crackerhead Kindled

[The Minister and The Crackerhead] is now available for $1.00 for reading on an Amazon Kindle and other compatible e-readers.  As with [The Crackerhead Chronicles], it will remain available to be read for free in the correct order from start to finish on [FishHawk Droppings].

If you are not familiar with The Minister and The Crackerhead, it is about a fictitious encounter between a more devoutly religious person (The Minister) and me (The Crackerhead) that is based upon true events, and it is meant to continue what was started in especially the last two crumbs/chapters of [The Crackerhead Chronicles].  It has also been Kindled, and there is a link to both on the sidebar here, AsTheCrackerheadCrumbles and FishHawk Droppings.

Be assured that it is only on account of the desperate financial situation that we are in that these books are being offered for sale at even just $1.00.  So, if you can help, please do.

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