Friday, May 11, 2012


It is being [reported] that the Minnesota Vikings will be getting their new stadium, and I am glad.  For according to my wife, I am getting older and more decrepit by the minute, and if that is indeed true, it would only be a matter of time before I would feel compelled to start preparing for a Viking invasion of southwestern Missouri after seeing that they were now calling Los Angeles home some overcast Sunday afternoon in November a few years from now.

No, I haven’t already lost my mind.  For what I am referring to are the rumors that have been circulating about the Minnesota Viking becoming the Los Angeles Viking in the not-too-distant future if they didn’t get a new stadium built in Minneapolis.

Hey, it’s not like no other Minnesota sports franchise has ever packed up and moved out there.  Come on now, just how many lakes are there in and around L.A.?  So, doesn’t it strike you as being rather curious that their NBA team goes by the [Lakers]?

Okay, with the [Clippers] also being in L.A., I shouldn’t being acting like the Lakers are the only NBA in town—especially with the Clippers starting to play like they really are a professional basketball team this year.  Granted, it was easy to do before, but not now.  Well, at least not until this season is over, and then we’ll see what happens after that.

No, the Vikings were not the only NFL team rumored to be contemplating a move to Los Angeles.  For the [Chargers] have also been mentioned in not-so-hushed tones around certain water coolers.

Can somebody tell me what’s with San Diego?  For that is where the Clippers originated, and now the Chargers are thinking real seriously about making that same 125 (+/-) mile trip to the north?

Yes, I understand that teams have been moving here to there, and everywhere in-between, since the beginning.  For the [Arizona Cardinals] came from [St. Louis] after starting out in [Chicago].

Another situation for sports fanatics to geek-out about involves the possible future of the [Oakland Athletics], which is commonly referred to as being the Oakland A’s.  For there has been much talk of the A’s trading Oakland for [San Jose or Fremont], or [Sacramento], or a city to be named later.  All of this being after the team originated in [Philadelphia], and then made a 13 year stopover in [Kansas City] before moving to Oakland in 1968.

Yeah, I’ve hit on all of the major professional sports in America but hockey, and the NHL has been arguably the best at following Elizabeth Taylor’s [example].  For the [Winnipeg Jets] moved south to become the [Phoenix Coyotes], and then the [Atlanta Thrashers] moved north to become the new and improved(?) [Winnipeg Jets].

I do like the idea of teams changing their names when they change locations.  For the [Memphis Grizzlies] doesn’t sound right at all, but the [Oklahoma City Thunder] sounds perfect—certainly better than the [Utah Jazz].

No, I don’t like the sound of the [St. Louis Rams], neither.  For the Rams belong in [Los Angeles], and to be quite frank about it, the [Colts] belong in Baltimore.  At least the NFL had the decency to let the Browns name stay in [Cleveland], even though the actual team moved to Baltimore and became the [Ravens].  Oh, and don’t get me started on the [Los Angeles Raiders]!

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